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UK Energy Supplier Comparison
Whether you are looking to save money on your energy bills or you just want to find a green energy option, comparing business energy suppliers can be quite the task.

With so many different tariffs out there and tailored deals, you may get bogged down with the choice. Which is where we come in.
We have gathered everything you need to know about comparing business electricity tariffs so you can change supplier without all the fuss. From why you should switch provider to the best ways to compare deals
Read on to find out exactly how to switch your business electricity supplier today!

Why Switch Business Energy Suppliers?

One of the biggest reasons you may want to switch energy suppliers is if you feel you can get a better deal elsewhere. As both the gas and electricity field is highly competitive, suppliers will compete to ensure they offer the best price for their services. This may mean you might save money by switching supplier.
Business energy prices aren’t the only reason you may wish to switch energy supplier. With so many green options available, another common reason businesses change is that they are looking for a greener option. By switching provider, you can choose one that generates their energy from a greener source.
A lot of business suppliers will also offer unique benefits such as cheaper costs after 6 pm, but what if your business closes at 5? Sometimes the plans they provide may no longer match up with how your business operates, making finding a new energy supplier all that more tempting.
When deciding on a supplier that’s right for you, always compare what they provide with what your business truly needs.
How to Compare and Switch Business Electricity and Gas Suppliers
Now you know why you may want to switch energy supplier, but what about how. Most modern businesses require both gas and electricity in some form, so how exactly do you determine which is the right provider for you?

There are many factors you will want to consider when comparing current business gas and electricity suppliers such as the price and how they source their energy. Our business energy experts can help guide you in the right direction by comparing current tariffs for you.
Not only can we compare current deals for you, but our energy experts can also negotiate with any suppliers to find a price that works for you. By comparing deals with some of the biggest supplier, such as British Gas, and newcomers like Bulb, we can guarantee that we will find a deal to your liking.
Once a deal has been found that suits your needs, we will also help make sure that switching to a supplier goes without a hitch. By aiding you in providing the right details, your supply will never be disrupted.

How Much Can my business Save by Switching Energy Suppliers?
One of the main reasons a business will switch energy contracts is to save as much money as possible on their electricity and gas. So it goes without saying, you will want to find the deal that saves you the most, but how much can you save when switching energy suppliers?
Small businesses may be able to save the most as they are typically paying for a contract suited to a larger business. Recent studies have shown that, by switching to a different supplier, a small business can save up to £1,000 a year on their energy bills.
Larger business can also save large amounts on their yearly bill by switching to a supplier that can provide them with a better deal. On average, a typical business can save up to £260 a year on their gas and electricity bills. Whilst this may not initially seem like a lot, it can start adding up pretty fast, especially considering the average business pays an annual bill of £3,000.
Switching to a cheaper tariff that is designed around your business is an incredible way to save your business unnecessary costs at the end of the year. By using our online comparison service you can save yourself a lot of money in the long run!
What Are the Different Business Tariff Options?
When it comes to business energy, there are usually two main types of tariff that you will be able to access.

Fixed-Rate Contacts
A fixed-rate contract is a contract that’s price won’t change for a specified duration. Most fixed-rate contracts will last between 1 to 3 years, but the length is usually negotiated before signing the contract. You will usually get the cheapest rates on a fixed-rate contract, but you will have to stay with the same business energy supplier for a lengthy period.

Flexible Rate Contacts
On the other hand, a flexible rate contract will adapt entirely based on the current market value of electricity or gas. This means the rate will change frequently throughout the entire contract, so whether or not you save is dependant on trends. However, you can a flexible contract means you can leave your current supplier at any time.
Deciding on the right contract for your business is incredibly important as they can play a large role in how much you will pay. Both have their advantages and disadvantages so it can be fairly tricky to decide which one is right for you. Feel free to contact our team of experts and we can help you pick the contract that will meet your business energy needs!

What Information Do I Need to Switch Business Energy?
You should also verify that you are not under a legal obligation to remain with the same gas and electricity supplier due to a binding contract.

Businesses may only switch their energy suppliers if the contract they have signed no longer applies.
In terms of other details your new provider may need, they may ask for recent readings such as your typical kilowatt-hours usage – Which is usually found on any recent bills or documents you have received for your current provider. You may also need to speak with your landlord if applicable to make sure you have permission to switch business energy.